For Sale By Owner Leads The Secret Advantage
There are two reasons to be calling on all For Sale By Owner leads.
One is the deal itself, the second we will talk about in a minute. First, here are some advantages of buying an investment property directly from the owner.
When working through a Realtor, you have lots of properties that are largely advertised through the MLS. The Realtor wants the most people possible to see this property and want to buy it. Why? Because it hikes up the price! The realtor is also going to add a 6% commission onto the sales price. When a homeowner sells their own home, they do not have to factor the Realtor commission into the sales price and you can get the property for a cheaper price. You will have a better chance negotiating a price on for sale by owner leads if the seller isn’t worried about how much commission they have to pay. That brings us to our next point.
Negotiating. Purchasing a FSBO home means that you are negotiating directly with the owner of the property. You do not have to go through the buyers and sellers agents to get to the owner. You don’t have to waste time waiting to hear back from the agent about your offer. You make an offer directly to the seller. By negotiating with a seller face to face, you can make the deal that works best for both of you quickly and without stress.
Most likely the seller of the for sale by owner home is a motivated seller. Who is more motivated to sell a house than the owner? The seller may be motivated because they can’t afford the mortgage anymore, they may be another investor who wants out of the business or they have a problem tenant stressing them out. Whatever the reason, this is a win-win situation.
They get out of the home they are desperately trying to sell, and you get a good deal on a property you can fix up and rent out or resell for a profit as is.
However, these should NOT be the only reasons you are calling on For Sale By Owner leads.
The second and by far the most important reason for the call is to find out if they have access to other potential deals either now or in the future. And if the answer is YES, then they need to go into a database from which you will contact them on a weekly bases.
Your weekly contact can be either on the phone, while the database is small, or via email once it gets larger.
The contact should be nothing more then just checking in to see if they have any other deals going on. And a simple reminder that anytime they get a deal you want to be the first one they contact about it.
This simple, yet powerful act of keeping in touch with For Sale by Owner leads will get you more deals coming in then almost anything else you can be doing. They key here, is not only more deals, but the ability to preview them before anyone else has access to them.
These are the two most important reasons you should be calling on all For Sale By Owner leads. To get the deal, and probably the most important one, to get future deals. If you are not doing the second one, you are most likely leaving a lot of money on the table to be taken by someone else!